
Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Narcissist as a "Criminal"

The narcissist is a victimizer.

Descriptive terms used while talking about criminals refer to their being aggressive, deceitful, and violating laws. In the mental health field, diagnostic labels change, but human nature remains the same. In the past, psychopathy, sociopathy, and antisocial personality disorder have often been used interchangeably. These terms refer to a person who lacks empathy and demonstrates “a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others” (see the DSM-5 description of antisocial personality disorder).* Such individuals are criminals—victimizers who seldom experience remorse.

People associate the term “narcissist” with an individual who holds a grandiose opinion of himself, has an insatiable need for admiration, and blames others rather than acknowledge personal shortcomings. 

People with a narcissistic personality disorder are “criminals” even if they do not ever get arrested. Their “sense of entitlement,” “unreasonable expectations” and “lack of sensitivity to the rules of others” result in injury to others. They manipulate and exploit people in their unceasing efforts to build themselves up. Their “contemptuous” and “impatient” behavior has a negative impact on others. The people who suffer the most are those closest to them. Spouses, children, and work colleagues are ground down daily. In order to peacefully coexist, they must try to satisfy the narcissist's insatiable psychological needs. A person who does not meet the expectations of the narcissist likely will have a very unpleasant encounter. Anyone may become a victim — a waiter, a sales lady, a receptionist — and bear the brunt of his disdain, condescension, and contempt.

A psychologist described his narcissistic client in the following manner: “This is a man who is used to doing what he wants regardless of someone else’s opinion or the impact of his behavior on others. He acknowledges he goes for the jugular. He needs to be in control of all situations and will often do what he wants in blatant disregard of rules, others’ perceptions, or the impact of his behavior on others. He challenges, threatens, or cajoles to achieve his ends.”

Never underestimate the damage that such a person can do. A narcissist is a criminal who leaves a trail of injury behind.

*Words in quotes are from the American Psychiatric Association
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.”


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Narcissists and Marriage

So very true! They usually have already love bombed their next victim and have them lined up to replace their current spouse long before they even divorce. They reel their next future ex-spouse in by playing the victim of claiming their current spouse is abusive and/or an alcoholic or drug user. They do this to gain the attention and sympathy of their new "love" interest. It is a cycle they repeat over and over again.  Spouse after spouse after spouse.  

The players may change, but the game is the same. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Dear Narcissist,

Dear Narcissist, 

I saw you coming, from a mile away.  I knew what you were.

I knew what you were capable of.

Everything you do is so very predictable.  

Just as I know you're reading this. 

You cant help yourself.  You're obsessed.  

You are insignificant, a blip of the past, you no longer exist.  Forgotten.  

I see everything that you are not and everything you will never be.  

You are hollow, empty, and cold inside.    

A chameleon.  Constantly shifting, changing, preparing for your next facade.   

What is it like to look in the mirror and see everything you're not?  

Oh, to be so envious of all that are beautiful, talented, empathic, compassionate, and loved. 

How unfortunate for you,  you will never be any of those thin

What’s it like to loathe your own self?

It is sad your upbringing created this monster in you.  

Even sadder...Nothing can fix you.

All you will ever know is manipulation, control, and draining the life from and ultimately destroying those around you.  

You're a sad pathetic loser.

You are the true definition of evil

One thing about evil, though... it eventually grows old, fades away, and dies, unloved and alone…  

Your greatest fear.  

~ S. Smith

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Share your story

 Tell your story, that is your right!  As it is my own and NOTHING can take that constitutional right away, no one, no piece of paper, nothing.   Do not be bullied into staying silent.   So I am currently writing mine... it is time.   Those that have suffered or are suffering at the hands of those that get away with their horrible behaviors and mental, even physical abuse need to speak up!   Tell it, Facebook it, Instagram it, Tumblr it, blog it, write your book!  The world needs to know the evil that exists behind closed doors.  You could be sparing the next victim from the same unspeakable torment that you experienced.