
Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Narcissist's Quick Path to Remarriage: Unveiling the Need for Narcissistic Supply


Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for anyone involved. However, when it comes to narcissists, their approach to moving on from a failed marriage can often be bewildering. It's not uncommon for narcissists to remarry quickly after divorcing, leaving many wondering about the underlying reasons behind their haste. In this post, we will delve deeper into the psychology of narcissism and explore the reasons why narcissists often seek new relationships so promptly.

1. The Need for Constant Validation:

Narcissists thrive on admiration and validation from others. Their self-worth is dependent on the attention and praise they receive. When a narcissist's primary source of narcissistic supply, such as a spouse, is no longer available, they feel a desperate need to replace it as soon as possible. Remarrying quickly allows them to secure a new source of validation and maintain their fragile self-esteem.

2. Fear of Loneliness and Abandonment:

Underneath their grandiose exterior, narcissists often have deep-rooted insecurities and fears of being alone. They dread the idea of facing their own emptiness and inadequacy. By rushing into a new relationship, they can avoid confronting their feelings of loneliness and abandonment. Remarrying swiftly provides them with a temporary sense of security and fills the void left by the previous relationship.

3. Maintaining Control and Power:

Narcissists have an innate desire for control and power over others. By entering into a new marriage promptly after a divorce, they can assert their dominance and manipulate their new partner to meet their needs. This allows them to recreate a familiar dynamic of control and ensure they remain the center of attention in the relationship.

4. Avoiding Self-Reflection and Accountability:

Self-reflection and taking responsibility for their actions are challenging tasks for narcissists. Rather than introspecting and learning from past mistakes, they prefer to quickly move on to a new relationship. By doing so, they can avoid facing the consequences of their behavior and continue to project their faults onto others.


The quick remarriage of narcissists following a divorce is a reflection of their deep-seated psychological needs. It is essential to understand that their rapid pursuit of new relationships is driven by their insatiable hunger for validation, fear of loneliness, desire for control, and aversion to self-reflection. Recognizing these patterns can help individuals who have been involved with narcissists in the past to heal and move forward. It is crucial to prioritize self-care and seek support from professionals who can assist in navigating the aftermath of a relationship with a narcissist.

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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Protecting Yourself After Leaving a Narcissist, Freezing Credit and Changing Passwords


Breaking free from a relationship with a narcissist can be a challenging and courageous step towards reclaiming your life and personal well-being. However, it's important to remember that the journey doesn't end there. Narcissists may continue to seek control, even after the relationship has ended. In this blog post, we will discuss two crucial steps to safeguard your financial and online security: freezing your credit and changing passwords.

1. Freezing Your Credit:

Leaving a narcissist means taking proactive measures to protect your financial stability. One such measure is freezing your credit. By freezing your credit, you add an extra layer of security that prevents anyone, including a narcissist, from opening new credit accounts in your name without your consent. Here's how you can get started:

a. Contact Credit Bureaus: Reach out to the three major credit bureaus - Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion - and request a credit freeze. This will prevent new credit inquiries or accounts from being created without your permission.

b. Monitor Credit Reports: Regularly monitor your credit reports to ensure that no unauthorized activity is taking place. You can obtain a free credit report annually from each of the three credit bureaus.

c. Set Fraud Alerts: Consider setting up fraud alerts, which will notify you if someone tries to open a new account in your name. These alerts act as an additional layer of protection against potential identity theft.

2. Changing Passwords:

Narcissists may exploit personal information they gained during the relationship to access your online accounts. Therefore, it's crucial to change your passwords across all platforms and devices. Here are some best practices for creating strong passwords:

a. Use Unique Passwords: Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. Each account should have a unique and complex password to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

b. Mix Characters: Create passwords that include a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. This makes them harder to guess or crack.

c. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Implement two-factor authentication (2FA) whenever possible. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a secondary verification method, such as a unique code sent to your mobile device.

d. Update Security Questions: Review and update the security questions associated with your accounts. Avoid using easily guessable answers and choose questions that only you can answer.


Leaving a narcissist is a significant step towards reclaiming your life, but it's essential to remain vigilant in protecting your financial and online security. Freezing your credit and changing passwords are two crucial steps to help safeguard against potential unauthorized access. By taking these proactive measures, you can establish a solid foundation for your new journey of independence and personal growth. Remember, your security and well-being are paramount, and taking these steps will contribute to your peace of mind.

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Sunday, December 3, 2023

Behind the Mask: The Ugly Truth of Narcissism


Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy towards others. While narcissists may present themselves as perfect and flawless individuals, the truth lies beneath their carefully crafted facade. In this blog post, we will delve into the inner workings of narcissism, shedding light on how they perceive themselves as perfect while harboring an ugliness within.

The Delusion of Perfection:

Narcissists see themselves as superior beings, believing they are the epitome of perfection. They have an insatiable desire for validation and admiration, which fuels their inflated self-image. However, this perception is merely a reflection of their deep-rooted insecurity and fear of being exposed for their true selves.

The Ugly Reality:

Beneath their polished exterior lies an ugliness that stems from their lack of empathy and genuine connection with others. Narcissists often prioritize their own needs and desires above everything else, disregarding the feelings and well-being of those around them. Their self-centeredness and manipulation tactics can leave a trail of emotional destruction in their wake, damaging relationships and causing pain to those unfortunate enough to be entangled in their web.

The Fragility of the Ego:

Despite their grandiose self-perception, narcissists possess a fragile ego that is easily threatened by any hint of criticism or rejection. Their need for constant validation and admiration is a desperate attempt to maintain their illusion of perfection and shield themselves from the harsh reality of their flaws and imperfections. When faced with any form of criticism, their true ugliness may be revealed through defensive and hostile reactions.

The Mask Slips:

Over time, the mask of perfection that narcissists wear begins to crack, revealing their true selves. Their inability to sustain the facade indefinitely leads to inconsistencies in their behavior and a pattern of toxic interactions. The ugly truth behind their perfect veneer becomes apparent to those who are observant enough to see beyond the surface.

Seeking Healing and Awareness:

Recognizing the true nature of narcissism is an essential step towards healing and breaking free from the cycle of toxicity. Those dealing with narcissists must prioritize their own well-being and set boundaries to protect themselves from emotional harm. For narcissists themselves, self-reflection and therapy can be instrumental in uncovering the root causes of their behavior and developing empathy towards others.

Narcissists may perceive themselves as perfect beings, but their inner ugliness cannot be concealed forever. Their lack of empathy, self-centeredness, and manipulation tactics ultimately reveal the true nature of their flawed character. It is crucial to acknowledge and understand this ugliness, both for those affected by narcissists and for narcissists themselves. By fostering awareness, seeking healing, and promoting empathy, we can aim to break free from the destructive cycle of narcissism and cultivate healthier relationships based on genuine connection and understanding.

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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Understanding Narcissistic Reactions to Rejection

Dealing with a narcissist can be emotionally draining, especially when it comes to rejecting their advances or ending a relationship. In this blog post, we will delve into the various ways narcissists react when faced with rejection. By understanding these reactions, individuals can be better prepared to navigate these situations and protect their emotional well-being.

One common reaction of narcissists when rejected is an outpouring of rage and anger. Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-worth, and rejection is a direct hit to their fragile ego. In response, they may unleash their fury verbally or even resort to physical aggression. This aggressive reaction is an attempt to regain control and assert their dominance over the situation.

Manipulation and gaslighting are two other tactics narcissists employ when faced with rejection. They may try to guilt-trip and manipulate the person who rejected them, making them question their decision or feel guilty for their actions. Gaslighting, a form of psychological manipulation, is commonly used to make the individual doubt their own reality and question the validity of their rejection. It is important for the rejected person to stay grounded in their own truth and not be swayed by the narcissist's manipulative tactics.

Another reaction that narcissists may exhibit is hoovering. Hoovering refers to the narcissist's attempt to draw the rejected person back into a relationship or interaction. They may suddenly become excessively charming, showering the individual with attention, affection, and promises of change. This tactic is aimed at regaining control over the rejected person. However, it is crucial for the person to recognize that this change is often temporary and part of the narcissist's manipulative strategy.

In some cases, when faced with rejection, narcissists may engage in smear campaigns. Seeking revenge, they may spread false rumors, gossip, or negative information about the person who rejected them. This strategy is designed to damage the individual's reputation and isolate them from their support system. It is important for the rejected person to maintain their own truth and seek support from trusted friends and family to counteract the effects of the smear campaign.

A common pattern observed in narcissistic reactions to rejection is the hoovering and discarding cycle. This cycle involves the narcissist oscillating between attempts at reconciliation and complete withdrawal. It is a manipulative pattern designed to keep the rejected person emotionally invested and under their control. Breaking free from this cycle requires setting firm boundaries, seeking support, and prioritizing one's own well-being.

Rejection can be a significant blow to a narcissist's grandiose self-image and control over others. Their reactions often range from explosive rage and manipulation to smear campaigns and attempts to regain control through hoovering. By understanding these reactions, individuals can better navigate these challenging situations. Prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and seeking support from trusted sources are crucial steps in protecting oneself from the emotional manipulation and abuse that can accompany rejecting a narcissist.

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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Shielding Yourself: Strategies to Protect Against Narcissistic Smear Campaigns

Dealing with a narcissist's smear campaign can be distressing, but it's essential to remember that you have the power to protect yourself. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies to shield yourself from the damaging effects of smear campaigns orchestrated by narcissists.

1. Recognize the Signs:

The first step in protecting yourself is to recognize the signs of a smear campaign. Pay attention to sudden changes in behavior, rumors, gossip, or a group of people turning against you without any apparent reason. Identifying these warning signs early on can help you prepare and respond effectively.

2. Stay Empowered and Informed:

Knowledge is power. Educate yourself about narcissism and smear campaigns. Understanding their motives and tactics will enable you to see through their manipulation and maintain a sense of empowerment. Remember, their actions are a reflection of their own insecurities, not a true reflection of your character or worth.

3. Document Everything:

Keep a record of any interactions, conversations, or incidents that may be relevant to the smear campaign. Documenting evidence can serve as a valuable resource to defend yourself if necessary. Save emails, messages, and any other form of communication that may be used against you or in your defense.

4. Seek Support:

Building a strong support network is crucial when facing a narcissistic smear campaign. Reach out to trusted friends, family, or professionals who can provide emotional support, advice, and guidance. Share your experiences with those who can see through the narcissist's manipulations and offer a fresh perspective.

5. Maintain Your Integrity:

Narcissists aim to tarnish your reputation and credibility. Stay true to yourself and your values. Maintain your integrity and refuse to engage in retaliatory behavior or stoop to their level. By taking the high road, you demonstrate your strength and resilience, while the narcissist's true character becomes more apparent to those around you.

6. Set Boundaries:

Establish clear boundaries with the narcissist and those who are influenced by their smear campaign. Avoid engaging in arguments or trying to defend yourself against their false accusations. Instead, focus on your well-being and surround yourself with positive influences who genuinely understand and support you.

7. Seek Legal Advice if Necessary:

In extreme cases where the smear campaign escalates and affects your personal or professional life, consult with a legal professional for guidance. They can help you understand your rights and provide strategies to protect yourself legally, if required.

Protecting yourself from a narcissistic smear campaign requires a combination of self-awareness, support, and resilience. By recognizing the signs, staying informed, documenting evidence, seeking support, maintaining your integrity, setting boundaries, and, if necessary, seeking legal advice, you can effectively shield yourself from the damaging effects of a narcissist's manipulation. Remember, you have the power to rise above their tactics and preserve your well-being and reputation.

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Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Dark Side of Narcissism: Understanding Why Narcissists Start Smear Campaigns Against You

Dealing with a narcissist can be a challenging and draining experience. One of the tactics they often employ is the smear campaign, where they spread false information and manipulate others to tarnish your reputation. In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind why narcissists engage in such destructive behavior.

1. Protecting Their Fragile Ego:

Narcissists thrive on admiration and validation from others. When they feel threatened or perceive a loss of control, they resort to smear campaigns as a defense mechanism. By tarnishing your image, they aim to regain a sense of power and superiority. It allows them to deflect attention from their own flaws and insecurities.

2. Maintaining Control:

Control is a fundamental need for narcissists. When you no longer serve their purposes or challenge their authority, they might launch a smear campaign to regain control over the narrative surrounding you. By manipulating others' perceptions, they aim to isolate you, cut off your support system, and maintain their hold over your life.

3. Projection of Their Own Insecurities:

Narcissists often struggle with deep-rooted insecurities and low self-esteem, despite their outwardly confident demeanor. To protect their fragile self-image, they project their own flaws onto others. By engaging in smear campaigns, they attempt to deflect attention from their own shortcomings and redirect blame onto you. It is a way for them to maintain a false sense of superiority.

4. Revenge and Retaliation:

When you stand up to a narcissist or expose their true nature, they perceive it as a threat to their grandiose self-image. In response, they may embark on a smear campaign as a form of revenge and retaliation. They want to damage your reputation and credibility, thus ensuring that others will be less inclined to believe your side of the story.

5. Winning Over Allies:

Narcissists are experts at manipulation and seduction. By launching smear campaigns, they aim to win over allies who can further reinforce their distorted narrative. They strategically target individuals who are easily swayed or inclined to believe their version of events. This helps them build an army of supporters while isolating you from potential sources of support.


Understanding why narcissists start smear campaigns against you is crucial in protecting yourself from their toxic behavior. Remember, their motives stem from their deep-seated insecurities, the need for control, and the desire to protect their fragile ego. By recognizing these patterns, you can take steps to safeguard your mental well-being and maintain your own authenticity in the face of their manipulations. Seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals who can guide you through this challenging experience.

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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Liberating Your Life: How Discarding a Narcissist Leads to Victory

Dealing with a narcissist can be emotionally draining and toxic. Their relentless need for attention, manipulation, and lack of empathy can leave you feeling trapped and shattered. However, it is essential to remember that by removing a narcissist from your life, you are taking a significant step towards reclaiming your happiness and well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why discarding a narcissist is a victory and how it paves the way for personal growth and a brighter future.

1. Regaining Your Self-Worth:

Narcissists thrive on diminishing your self-esteem and making you doubt your abilities. By discarding them, you break free from their psychological grip and regain your sense of self-worth. You no longer have to endure constant criticism, gaslighting, or feeling like you are never good enough. Embracing your true value becomes possible, allowing you to focus on self-love and personal growth.

2. Rediscovering Your Identity:

A narcissist often tries to control and mold you into their desired image. Discarding them allows you space to rediscover and embrace your true identity. You can explore your passions, reconnect with old hobbies, and rebuild the relationships that may have suffered due to the narcissist's influence. Letting go of their expectations and reclaiming your individuality leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

3. Restoring Emotional Well-being:

Living with a narcissist can cause constant emotional turmoil. Their manipulation, gaslighting, and emotional abuse can leave lasting scars. However, by discarding them, you can start the healing process. You regain control over your emotions, experience a sense of relief, and create a healthier emotional environment for yourself. Seeking therapy or support groups can also aid in processing the trauma and rebuilding your emotional well-being.

4. Cultivating Healthy Relationships:

Narcissists often isolate their victims from friends and family, leaving them feeling isolated and alone. However, discarding a narcissist opens the doors to building genuine and healthy relationships. Surrounding yourself with supportive and loving individuals who appreciate you for who you are will contribute to your overall happiness and well-being. Investing in healthy connections allows you to experience authentic love, care, and respect.

5. Embracing Personal Growth:

Discarding a narcissist marks the beginning of a transformative journey. It provides an opportunity for immense personal growth and empowerment. As you distance yourself from their toxic influence, you can focus on your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Rediscovering your strengths, setting boundaries, and pursuing personal development will help you evolve into a stronger, more resilient individual.


Discarding a narcissist is a courageous and empowering decision. It allows you to reclaim your life, regain your self-worth, and cultivate healthy relationships. Remember, you deserve happiness, love, and respect. By freeing yourself from the clutches of a narcissist, you are opening doors to a brighter future filled with personal growth, emotional well-being, and authentic connections. Embrace this victory, and step into a life where you are the protagonist of your own story.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Gray Rock Strategy

 Going gray rock is a strategy that can be helpful when dealing with a narcissist. The idea is to become as uninteresting and emotionally neutral as possible, so as not to feed into their need for attention and drama. Here are some tips on how to go gray rock:

1. Limit your emotional reactions: Narcissists feed off the emotional reactions of others, so it's important to remain calm and composed when interacting with them. Try to keep your emotions in check and avoid showing any strong reactions.

2. Be unresponsive: Keep your interactions with the narcissist as brief and to the point as possible. Respond with neutral or one-word answers, avoiding any detailed or emotional discussions that they can latch onto.

3. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries and stick to them. Let the narcissist know what behavior is acceptable to you and what is not. Consistently reinforce these boundaries and avoid engaging in any arguments or debates.

4. Avoid personal sharing: Narcissists love to exploit personal information, so it's best to avoid sharing too much with them. Keep conversations focused on neutral topics and avoid discussing any personal matters or vulnerabilities.

5. Don't engage in power struggles: Narcissists often try to assert their dominance and control in conversations. Instead of getting into a power struggle, simply disengage and redirect the conversation to more neutral subjects.

6. Practice self-care: Dealing with a narcissist can be emotionally draining, so it's important to take care of yourself. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, engage in activities that bring you joy, and prioritize your well-being.

Remember, going gray rock is about protecting yourself and disengaging from the narcissist's manipulative behavior. By being uninteresting and emotionally neutral, you can reduce their ability to affect you and maintain your own sense of peace.

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Sunday, October 22, 2023

Unmasking the Narcissist: Exposing Their Inner "Nobody"

Behind the grandiose facade and inflated self-image of a narcissist lies a deep-rooted sense of emptiness and insecurity. In this blog post, we delve into the paradoxical nature of narcissists as "nobodies" - individuals who desperately seek validation and admiration to fill the void within themselves.

1. The False Sense of Self:

Narcissists construct a false identity that revolves around their perceived superiority and exceptionalism. However, beneath this carefully crafted persona, they often suffer from a profound lack of self-worth. The need for constant validation stems from their fear of being seen as insignificant or ordinary, fueling their relentless pursuit of attention and admiration.

2. Emotional Void:

Narcissists struggle to form deep and meaningful emotional connections with others. Their self-centeredness and inability to empathize create a void within them, leaving them feeling empty and disconnected. To compensate for this emotional deficit, they seek external sources of validation to momentarily fill the void and maintain their fragile self-image.

3. Attention-Seeking Behavior:

Narcissists crave attention and adoration as a means to validate their existence. They often resort to attention-seeking behaviors such as boasting, exaggerating accomplishments, or seeking constant praise. These actions serve as a desperate attempt to convince themselves and others that they are somebody of importance.

4. Fragile Self-Esteem:

Beneath their arrogant exterior, narcissists possess an incredibly fragile sense of self-esteem. They are easily wounded by criticism or rejection, which threatens their carefully constructed image of superiority. Their need for constant validation stems from their fear of being exposed as the "nobodies" they believe themselves to be deep down.

5. Ongoing Struggle for Significance:

The insatiable hunger for significance drives narcissists to constantly seek out new conquests, achievements, and sources of admiration. They believe that by accumulating external successes and material possessions, they can fill the void within themselves. However, no matter how much they accumulate, they are unable to truly find the fulfillment they seek.

6. Breaking the Cycle:

Recognizing the inherent emptiness and insecurity of narcissists is essential for breaking free from their manipulative grasp. By understanding that their grandiosity is a defense mechanism to mask their feelings of insignificance, we can begin to detach ourselves emotionally and establish healthy boundaries. It is crucial to prioritize our own well-being and not allow their attempts to diminish our self-worth.


The narcissist's desperate pursuit of validation and admiration stems from an underlying sense of emptiness and insignificance. By recognizing the paradoxical nature of narcissists as "nobodies," we can better understand their behaviors and protect ourselves from their manipulative tactics. Remembering that their grandiosity is a facade for their deep-rooted insecurities empowers us to break free from their grasp and prioritize our own self-worth and happiness.

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Narcissistic ex-partner

Jealous narcissistic ex-partners who engage in stalking behavior can be incredibly challenging to deal with and can cause significant distress for the victim. Here are some additional insights into this type of behavior: 

1. Extreme Jealousy: Jealousy is a common emotion experienced during a breakup, but in the case of a narcissistic ex-partner, it can be taken to an extreme. The ex-partner may have an overwhelming fear of being replaced or losing control over the victim. This intense jealousy drives them to engage in stalking behavior to maintain a sense of power and control.

2. Sense of Ownership: Narcissistic individuals often have an inflated sense of entitlement and ownership over their ex-partner. They may believe that they have the right to monitor and control the victim's life, even after the relationship has ended. This sense of ownership can be a driving factor behind their stalking behavior.

3. Need for Validation: Narcissists crave constant validation and admiration. When an ex-partner moves on and finds happiness with someone else, it threatens the narcissist's fragile self-esteem. Stalking can become a way for them to seek validation, ensuring that they are still relevant and desired by the victim.

4. Manipulation and Power Play: Stalking by a jealous narcissistic ex-partner serves as a form of manipulation and power play. By intruding into the victim's life, monitoring their activities, and gathering information, the narcissist can exert control over their emotions and create a sense of fear and vulnerability.

5. Lack of Empathy: Narcissistic individuals typically lack empathy for others. They are primarily focused on their own needs, desires, and emotions. This lack of empathy allows them to disregard the emotional impact their stalking behavior has on the victim, further exacerbating the distress caused.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are being stalked by a jealous narcissistic ex-partner, it is crucial to prioritize your safety and seek help. Reach out to law enforcement, obtain a restraining order if necessary, and consider seeking support from professionals or organizations specializing in stalking or domestic abuse. It is essential to protect yourself and regain control over your life.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Setting Boundaries with a Narcissist: Protecting Your Well-being

Dealing with a narcissist can be a challenging and draining experience. Their self-centered tendencies can often leave you feeling invalidated and emotionally exhausted. However, by setting and maintaining firm boundaries, you can protect your well-being and maintain a healthier relationship, or even distance yourself from their toxic behavior. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies for setting boundaries with a narcissist.

1. Understand Narcissistic Behavior:

Before setting boundaries, it's essential to understand the characteristics of narcissistic behavior. Recognize their patterns of self-centeredness, manipulation, and lack of empathy. This understanding will help you prepare for their reactions when you assert your boundaries.

2. Define Your Boundaries:

Take time to identify and clearly define your personal boundaries. Reflect on what behavior or actions are unacceptable to you and make a list of your limits and values. This self-awareness will give you a solid foundation when expressing your boundaries.

3. Communicate Assertively:

When expressing your boundaries, it's crucial to communicate assertively. Use "I" statements to avoid sounding accusatory and express how their behavior affects you personally. Remain calm, firm, and consistent in your communication, emphasizing the importance of your boundaries.

4. Practice Self-Care:

Setting boundaries with a narcissist can be emotionally challenging, so it's essential to prioritize self-care. Engage in activities that bring you joy, spend time with loved ones, and focus on your physical and mental well-being. Taking care of yourself will provide the strength and resilience needed to navigate this difficult situation.

5. Be Consistent:

Narcissists may test your boundaries, attempting to push or manipulate you. Stay consistent by reinforcing your boundaries with firmness and confidence. Do not waver or compromise your limits, as this may encourage them to continue pushing against your boundaries.

6. Limit Your Exposure:

If possible, minimize your interactions with the narcissist. Limiting exposure can help protect your emotional well-being and reduce potential conflicts. Set practical boundaries such as reducing contact, avoiding sensitive topics, or even considering physical distance if necessary.

7. Seek Support:

Dealing with a narcissist can be emotionally exhausting, so it's essential to seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals. Surround yourself with a supportive network that can offer guidance and validation. Sharing your experiences and emotions with others who understand can be immensely helpful.


Setting boundaries with a narcissist is a challenging but necessary step to protect your well-being. By clearly defining your boundaries, communicating assertively, and practicing self-care, you can regain control over your emotions and establish healthier dynamics. Remember, while you may not be able to change the narcissist's behavior, setting boundaries empowers you to prioritize your own mental and emotional health.

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Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Green-Eyed Monster: Understanding the Jealousy of Narcissistic Women

Today, we'll focus on a specific dimension of narcissism: the jealousy and envy that narcissistic women often feel towards their female counterparts. While narcissism is a complex personality trait, this particular aspect sheds light on the intricate dynamics at play. So, let's delve into the world of narcissistic jealousy and explore why these individuals tend to harbor envy towards other women.

1. The Inner Insecurity of Narcissistic Women:

Behind the confident facade of a narcissistic woman lies a deep-rooted sense of insecurity. Despite their apparent self-assuredness, they constantly crave validation and admiration from others. When faced with successful, beautiful, or accomplished women, their insecurity escalates, leading to feelings of jealousy.

2. Comparison and Competition:

Narcissistic women have a natural inclination to compare themselves to others. They view life as a competition and are driven to be the best, often at the expense of others. When they encounter women who possess qualities they lack, such as intelligence, talent, or physical attractiveness, they feel threatened and experience envy.

3. Fear of Losing the Spotlight:

Narcissistic individuals thrive on attention and recognition. When another woman garners attention or praise, it poses a direct threat to their inflated self-image. They fear being overshadowed or losing their perceived superiority in social situations, leading to feelings of resentment and jealousy towards the woman who steals their spotlight.

4. Relentless Need for Validation:

Narcissistic women rely heavily on external validation to maintain their fragile self-esteem. Witnessing other women receiving praise, admiration, or success triggers their envy. They cannot comprehend why others are being praised instead of themselves, leading to resentment and an intensified sense of jealousy.

5. Inability to Empathize:

Narcissistic individuals struggle with empathy, making it difficult for them to genuinely celebrate the achievements or happiness of others. Instead of feeling joy for someone else's success, they perceive it as a personal failure. Consequently, they harbor envy towards these women, unable to acknowledge or appreciate the accomplishments of others without feeling threatened.


Understanding the complex emotions of jealousy and envy experienced by narcissistic women provides insight into their behavior. Though they may project an image of confidence, their deep-rooted insecurities and relentless need for validation underlie their jealousy towards other women. By recognizing these patterns, we can foster empathy and compassion, while also protecting ourselves from the potential harm caused by their envy.

Remember, it is crucial to approach any discussion about personality traits with empathy and understanding. If you or someone you know exhibits signs of narcissism, seeking professional help can provide valuable guidance and support. Stay tuned for more insightful blog posts on various psychological topics!

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Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Struggle of Narcissists: How They Alienate You from Friends and Family

Welcome, dear readers, to our blog post where we shed light on a topic that affects countless individuals: narcissists and their detrimental impact on our relationships with friends and family. Narcissism, a personality disorder characterized by an excessive focus on oneself, often leads to a toxic dynamic that can isolate us from our loved ones. Let's explore how narcissists achieve this, the signs to watch out for, and how to navigate these challenging relationships.

1. The Charm Mask:

Narcissists are often masters of charm and charisma, captivating those around them with their initial charm and wit. They effortlessly draw people in, including our friends and family. However, behind this enchanting facade lies a self-centered individual who craves constant admiration and validation.

2. Manipulation Tactics:

Once narcissists have successfully drawn people into their orbit, they begin to exert control using manipulative tactics. They may belittle or undermine our relationships, subtly planting seeds of doubt and sowing division. By pitting people against one another, narcissists create an environment of tension and discord.

3. Emotional Exploitation:

One of the most damaging aspects of narcissism is emotional exploitation. Narcissists exploit our vulnerabilities, using them as leverage to further their own agenda. They may guilt-trip us, gaslight us, or play mind games, leaving us feeling confused, hurt, and isolated. This emotional manipulation can drive a wedge between us and our loved ones.

4. Jealousy and Envy:

Narcissists often struggle with envy and a constant need to be the center of attention. They may become jealous of our close relationships with friends or family members, perceiving them as threats to their own importance. In response, they may engage in smear campaigns, spreading rumors or creating conflicts to isolate us and maintain control.

5. Devaluing and Discarding:

As narcissists grow tired of those around them or find new sources of admiration, they may devalue and discard individuals who were once close to them. This process can be incredibly painful, leaving us feeling abandoned and questioning our self-worth. The narcissist's ability to easily sever ties adds to the sense of alienation from friends and family.

Navigating Narcissistic Relationships:

a) Recognize the signs: Educate yourself about narcissistic behaviors and traits, enabling you to identify the red flags early on.

b) Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to protect yourself from emotional manipulation and exploitation. Remember, it's okay to prioritize your own well-being.

c) Seek support: Reach out to trusted friends, family, or professionals who can provide guidance, understanding, and empathy during this challenging journey.

d) Focus on self-care: Prioritize self-care activities that nurture your mental and emotional well-being. This will help you maintain resilience in the face of narcissistic manipulation.

e) Seek professional help: If the situation becomes unbearable or dangerous, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor who specializes in narcissistic personality disorder.


Dealing with narcissists and the subsequent alienation from friends and family can be an emotionally draining and isolating experience. However, by recognizing the signs, setting boundaries, seeking support, and prioritizing self-care, we can navigate these challenging relationships with resilience and protect our own well-being. Remember, you are not alone, and there is always hope for healthier, happier connections in the future.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Understanding the Manipulative Tactics of Narcissists: Unraveling the Need for Gaslighting

In the complex world of human psychology, there exist individuals who possess narcissistic traits, characterized by an excessive sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. One of the most insidious tactics employed by narcissists is gaslighting, a form of psychological manipulation that aims to distort the victim's perception of reality. While gaslighting is harmful and damaging, understanding the underlying reasons behind why narcissists resort to such behavior can shed light on their motivations. In this blog post, we aim to explore the reasons why narcissists feel compelled to gaslight their victims.

1. Maintaining Control:

Narcissists thrive on power and control, seeking to dominate those around them. Gaslighting serves as a tool to exert control over their victims, as it systematically erodes their self-confidence and autonomy. By distorting the victim's reality, narcissists create a sense of dependency, ensuring their continued influence and dominance.

2. Reinforcing their Superiority:

Deep down, narcissists are plagued by insecurities and a fragile self-esteem. To protect their fragile egos, they often resort to gaslighting in order to maintain the illusion of superiority. By undermining their victims' perceptions and beliefs, narcissists can bolster their own ego by projecting an image of infallibility and superiority.

3. Avoiding Accountability:

Narcissists have an aversion to taking responsibility for their actions, often deflecting blame onto others. Gaslighting allows them to evade accountability by manipulating the victim's perception of events, making them doubt their own memory and judgment. By sowing confusion and self-doubt, narcissists can shift blame, protecting themselves from scrutiny or consequences.

4. Emotional Manipulation:

Gaslighting is a highly effective method of emotional manipulation, enabling narcissists to manipulate their victims' emotions and reactions. By distorting reality and making the victim question their own sanity, narcissists can easily control and exploit their emotions, ensuring their continued compliance and subjugation.

5. Maintaining the Illusion:

Narcissists often construct an idealized version of themselves, projecting an image of perfection to the outside world. Gaslighting serves as a means to preserve this carefully crafted facade. By gaslighting their victims, narcissists ensure that their flaws and shortcomings remain hidden, reinforcing their desired image and protecting their reputation.


While gaslighting is an abhorrent and destructive behavior, understanding the motives behind why narcissists employ this manipulation tactic can help victims reclaim their power and heal. Recognizing the need for control, the reinforcement of superiority, avoidance of accountability, emotional manipulation, and the preservation of illusions can equip individuals with the knowledge needed to break free from the grips of gaslighting. Remember, you are not alone, and there is support available to help you navigate through this challenging experience.

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Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Complex World of Narcissists Who Marry Multiple Times


Welcome, dear readers, to our blog post exploring the intriguing topic of narcissists who enter into multiple marriages. While marriage is a beautiful union for many, it can be a different story for individuals with narcissistic tendencies. Join us as we delve into the complexities of this phenomenon, aiming to shed light on the underlying motivations and challenges faced by narcissists in their pursuit of multiple marriages.

1. Understanding Narcissism:

To comprehend why some narcissists engage in serial marriages, it's crucial to grasp the core traits of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Narcissists often possess an excessive sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. These characteristics can significantly impact their relationships, including their decisions to marry multiple times.

2. The Quest for Validation:

For narcissists, marriage can serve as a means to gain external validation and reinforce their grandiose self-image. By marrying multiple times, they seek continuous affirmation of their desirability, charm, and superiority. Each new partner becomes another opportunity to bask in the adoration and attention they crave.

3. Idealization and Devaluation:

Narcissists are known for idealizing their partners during the early stages of a relationship. They often project an image of perfection onto their significant other, perceiving them as an extension of their own ego. However, this idealization is short-lived, giving way to the devaluation phase. Once the partner fails to meet the narcissist's unrealistic expectations, they are swiftly discarded or replaced.

4. The Cycle Repeats:

With each failed marriage, narcissists tend to repeat the same patterns of idealization and devaluation. They may rush into new relationships, driven by an insatiable hunger for affirmation and the desire to regain the initial rush of excitement. Unfortunately, this cycle often perpetuates the same disappointing outcomes, as the new partner eventually falls short of the narcissist's inflated expectations.

5. Impact on Partners:

Those who marry narcissists may find themselves on an emotional rollercoaster. The intense love-bombing at the beginning can be exhilarating, but the subsequent devaluation can be devastating. Partners often face emotional manipulation, gaslighting, and a constant struggle for recognition and appreciation. The repetitive nature of these marriages can leave a profound impact on their self-esteem and overall well-being.

6. Breaking the Pattern:

Breaking free from the cycle of marrying narcissists can be challenging, but it is possible. Recognizing the signs of narcissism, prioritizing self-care, and seeking therapy are crucial steps towards establishing healthier relationship dynamics. It's important for individuals to focus on their own healing, learn to set boundaries, and develop a stronger sense of self-worth.


Navigating the world of narcissists who marry multiple times is undoubtedly complex. By understanding the underlying motivations, emotional dynamics, and the impact on partners, we can shed light on this often-misunderstood phenomenon. For those who have encountered narcissistic partners, remember that you are not alone, and with self-awareness and support, a brighter, healthier future awaits.

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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Unmasking the Sneaky Tactics of Narcissistic Stalkers

Hey there, wonderful community! Today, let's dive into a crucial topic that sheds light on the unsettling reality of narcissistic stalking. This behavior is not only invasive but can also have a profound impact on one's mental and emotional well-being. So, let's discuss some key aspects to help you identify and deal with narcissistic stalkers.

1. Identifying the Signs:

Narcissistic stalkers often exhibit a pattern of obsessive behavior, fueled by their need for control and power. Some common signs to watch out for include unwanted and persistent contact, excessive monitoring, spreading rumors, invasion of privacy, and manipulative mind games. Trust your instincts if something feels off!

2. Protecting Your Privacy:

Safeguarding your personal information is crucial when dealing with narcissistic stalkers. Regularly review your online presence and privacy settings on social media platforms. Be cautious about sharing sensitive details, and consider limiting public access to your personal data. Remember, your privacy matters!

3. Documenting Incidents:

Maintaining a record of stalking incidents is essential for building a case, should legal intervention become necessary. Keep a detailed log of dates, times, descriptions, and any evidence such as messages, emails, or voicemails. This documentation can provide a powerful trail that supports your claims and helps protect your rights.

4. Seek Support from Trusted Allies:

Dealing with a narcissistic stalker can be emotionally draining, so don't hesitate to reach out to your support network. Friends, family, or even professional counselors can provide a safe space to share your experiences and gain valuable advice. Remember, you don't have to face this alone!

5. Legal Options:

If the stalking behavior persists or escalates, consulting with legal professionals can help you explore your options. Laws surrounding stalking vary, but many jurisdictions provide protective orders or restraining orders to safeguard victims. Seeking legal advice can empower you to take necessary steps towards your safety and well-being.

6. Self-Care is Key:

Dealing with a narcissistic stalker can take a toll on your mental health, so prioritize self-care. Engage in activities that bring you joy, practice mindfulness or meditation, and surround yourself with positivity. Remember, you deserve to focus on your well-being and reclaim your peace of mind!

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. By raising awareness, supporting each other, and taking proactive steps, we can create a safer environment for everyone. Stay strong, stay vigilant, and know that your well-being matters!

Sending you all positive vibes and support.

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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Empowering Men: Breaking Free from Narcissistic Relationships

Hey there, my friend! Today, I wanted to take a moment to shed some light on a topic that deserves attention and support: men who have experienced abuse from narcissistic women. While it's crucial to remember that abuse can happen to anyone regardless of gender, it's equally important to acknowledge and address the unique challenges faced by men.

First and foremost, it's essential to recognize that abuse comes in various forms, such as emotional, psychological, financial, or even physical. Narcissistic women can exert control, manipulate, and belittle their partners, leaving deep emotional scars that may take time to heal. Remember, your experiences are valid, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

If you find yourself in such a situation, here are a few steps that may help you break free and begin your journey to healing:

1. Acknowledge the abuse: Recognize the signs of narcissistic abuse, including gaslighting, constant criticism, manipulation, and a lack of empathy. Understanding what you're experiencing is the first step towards reclaiming your power.

2. Seek support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups who can provide a listening ear without judgment. Sharing your experiences can help you gain a fresh perspective and receive the emotional support you need.

3. Professional help: Consider seeking support from therapists, counselors, or psychologists specializing in abuse and trauma. They can guide you through the healing process, provide coping mechanisms, and help you rebuild your self-esteem.

4. Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries and communicate your needs assertively. Remember, your well-being matters, and you have the right to prioritize it. Surround yourself with individuals who respect and uplift you.

5. Self-care and self-love: Nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy, practice self-compassion, and prioritize self-care. Remember, you deserve happiness and a healthy, fulfilling life.

6. Legal considerations: In cases where abuse escalates or involves criminal actions, it may be important to consult legal professionals to protect your rights and ensure your safety.

Remember, my friend, healing takes time, and each journey is unique. Be patient with yourself, celebrate your progress, and never hesitate to ask for help when needed. Together, we can create a safe and supportive environment for all those who have experienced abuse, regardless of gender.

You are strong, resilient, and deserving of a life free from abuse. Keep moving forward, and brighter days are ahead! 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

A story so familiar…


Woman Pushed Ex to Suicide with 'Heinous' Messages, Video of Her Having Sex with Another Man: DA Says

Before taking his life, Kevin Metzger posted some of the alleged messages to Facebook and to a friend, saying, "She needs punished. The courts are too slow."

A Pennsylvania woman has been arrested and accused by prosecutors of pushing her estranged boyfriend to suicide after sending him "heinous and graphic" messages, including video of her having sex with another man.

Criminal charges against Mandie Reusch in Greenburg, PA were announced by Westmoreland County District Attorney Nicole W. Ziccarelli on Tuesday; Reusch has been charged with aiding suicide, a felony, as well as harassment, a misdemeanor, following the death of Kevin Metzger.

Metzger, with whom Reusch shares a child, was found dead inside his home on June 18, 2021, following a request for a welfare check from a friend who was unable to reach him. His death was determined to be a suicide and, according to the DA, a letter inside his apartment and messages posted to his Facebook page the same day his body was discovered detailed "a trail of torment and solicitation."

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Why Do Narcissistic Personalities Play the Victim?


Narcissists may play the victim if they believe they gain something from making you feel guilty. Their tendency to use manipulation tactics is one of the formal symptoms of narcissistic personality.

Have you ever played the victim? If so, do you remember the emotional need you were trying to fulfill or express while doing so? It’s the same for someone with a narcissistic personality, but they may feel it more often.

It can be challenging for you to think of a person with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) as the victim or someone who feels like one. 

After all, someone with a narcissistic personality is often thought of as a person with a grandiose sense of self and an unlimited need for power.

So, what does it mean when a narcissist plays the victim? Is it on purpose? Is it a manipulation tactic? Do they truly believe they’re being victimized?

Narcissistic personality disorder — often referred to as “narcissism” — is a complex mental health condition and never a personal choice. There are many reasons why a narcissist plays the victim and the type of narcissism they live with may be one.

Narcissistic personality disorder and the victim mentality

 Research from 2003 suggests that people high in narcissism may see themselves as victims of interpersonal transgressions more often than people not living with the disorder.

In a 2020 qualitative studyTrusted Source, relatives of people with narcissistic personalities reported that their loved ones often showed a victim mentality. 

Whether narcissists really feel like a victim or just play the victim role to tweak social interactions to their benefit isn’t always clear.

If you’ve ever been in a relationship with someone with narcissistic personality disorder, you may have noticed that they lack both self-awareness and self-reflection.

In general, people with narcissistic personalities have a difficult time being aware of their behaviors and how these affect others. They might not be able to “see it” even when you point it out to them.

This is why they might feel attacked when you contradict them or tell them they’ve done something wrong. This just doesn’t align with their inflated sense of self.

This is part of the complexity of narcissistic personality disorder.

The tendency to have low introspection combined with an exaggerated sense of superiority may leave them unable to see the situation in a way that doesn’t fit their worldview.

As a result, they may “play the victim role” in some scenarios.

Why a narcissist plays the victim may be directly connected to some of the symptoms of NPD:

Not everyone who plays the victim has narcissistic personality, though. Not everyone with narcissistic personality plays the victim either.

Here more in-depth information on why narcissists play the victim:

A person with narcissistic personality disorder may have a strong sense of entitlement. This means they might believe they’re inherently worthy of special treatment, recognition, and privileges. 

When things don’t go their way, they might react with anger and feel the need to blame others for “messing things up.” 

A sense of entitlement might also lead someone with narcissistic personality to think anything they do for you is just the greatest. 

If they feel they don’t get enough praise and recognition for this action, they might act like the victim: “I can’t believe you act this way after all I’ve done for you!”

In this instance, a narcissist might go from playing the hero to playing the victim.

Everyone uses defense mechanisms in different circumstances and for different reasons. We’re not usually aware when a defense mechanism is activated but it serves a purpose.

Sometimes, it protects us from remembering painful experiences; other times, it might help us cope with perceived threats to our identity, integrity, and sense of self. 

People with narcissistic personality disorder may also use specific defense mechanisms to protect themselves from emotional pain.

Some people with the disorder live with delusions of grandeur. These are false beliefs about themselves that may make them feel they’re nothing short of a superhero and invincible. 

Grandiosity is a similar defense mechanism where someone has a sense of power and self-importance, often not based on actual facts.

A person with narcissistic personality may have developed these beliefs to compensate for painful childhood experiences. 

Because of this, self-esteem based on these false beliefs might be what clinicians call fragile. This means it’s likely to change according to external factors.

If someone with either delusions of grandeur or grandiosity faces a situation where they’re not seen as the hero they think they are, they might justify it by saying someone else is trying to harm them. 

This “bad guy” versus “victim” train of thought may work to soothe their distress.

For example, they might believe they’re the smartest and ablest member of the team. But if someone else gets the raise or promotion they believe they deserve more, they might explain it as jealousy from the boss.

“They’re just nervous I’ll eventually get promoted to their position, so they’d rather sabotage me and help someone else instead.”

Another common defense mechanism in narcissism is projection. This is when someone unconsciously “projects” their own feelings or reality onto another person. “It’s not me — it’s them.”

For example, you might feel threatened in some way by a co-worker, but you perceive the situation as them being jealous of you.

Projection isn’t something you fake or pretend. You really believe it. And in this case, projection may sometimes explain why narcissists play the victim.

For example, if someone with NPD is highly competitive to the point of sabotaging someone else to get ahead, they might believe it’s the other person who’s trying to sabotage them. 

For them, a difference of opinion expressed during a work meeting with the boss might be interpreted as a co-worker’s attempt to hurt them. In that scenario, they may believe they’re the victim of someone else’s bad intentions.

Some people with narcissistic personality disorder have a high need to have control, and sometimes, playing the victim can serve this purpose.

If you’re having an argument with someone who’s feeling attacked, you’re likely to back off and soften your stance. 

You might also be more flexible about some things if the other person is saying you’re not being fair or kind to them.

If someone with narcissistic personality plays the victim, they might have developed this manipulation tactic to protect themselves and retain control whenever other avenues fail them.

It’s also probable — according to 2014 research — that emotionally intelligent people with NPD know how to better regulate their emotions and read other people’s. This would make it easier for them to play a role (like the victim) that they know might “get to you.” In some instances, these people are called dark empaths

It can sometimes be difficult for people with narcissistic personality disorder to take criticism or rejection. This might make them react in several ways — one of them is rage. 

In this case, experts refer to it as narcissistic rage or narcissistic collapse.

One aspect of rage is feeling like the victim of someone else’s attacks. “I’m enraged because you attacked me.”

Another aspect is that even when a narcissist doesn’t feel like somebody else’s victim, they may realize that playing this part may make others back off and take back what enraged them in the first place.

In other words, if you feel someone’s doing something you don’t like, and that makes you mad, playing the victim can make the other person change their ways.

Every person will respond differently. 

Some narcissistic people may attack you or treat you in a vindictive way whenever they feel rage, while others play the victim instead.

Guilt is a human emotion that tends to keep us in check. When balanced, guilt may act as a deterrent for antisocial behavior. 

ResearchTrusted Source suggests that some people with both vulnerable and grandiose narcissism may not experience guilt in some situations. This might make them more likely to use manipulation tacticsto get what they need.

Low empathy also makes it difficult for someone with NPD to understand where you’re coming from. This might lead them to believe you’re attacking them.

For example, if you’re expressing how hurt you feel for something they’ve done, they might not see it your way. They might not understand why that behavior would hurt you. For them, you could be complaining and treating them unfairly.

In that scenario, they may think of themselves as the victim, even if you’re just saying you’re hurt or upset.

Low empathy might also lead them to use psychological games — like playing the victim — to get what they want, even if you get hurt. 

Even if you understand that narcissistic personality disorder is a complex mental health condition and not a personal choice, it can feel overwhelming to have someone frequently feeling or acting like a victim.

You might hope they change or grow out of it. You may even try to convince them to change their ways. 

While this might work with someone without the condition who plays the victim, it won’t likely work for someone with NPD.

Some narcissistic people do develop new social skills with the help of a mental health professional. However, it can often be challenging for them to stay in therapy.

In the meantime, learning to recognize games they might play, and setting clear boundaries can help you cope.

Here are a few tips to consider if a narcissist is playing the victim:

  • Try not to take it personally. This is never easy, but with practice you can do it.
  • Don’t take the bait. If possible, walk away every time they treat you like the bad guy.
  • Don’t internalize it. They might say a few hurtful things when they’re playing the victim, but those words don’t define you.
  • Don’t idealize them. It’s natural to second-guess yourself and consider if you’re really mistreating them. Trust their actions more than their words. 
  • Don’t engage. It’s not uncommon to react in the same way someone is treating you. However, avoid the need to play the victim with them, even if they really aren’t being fair to you.

Why a narcissist plays the victim depends on the situation and the type of narcissism they live with.

Playing the victim or feeling like a victim may stem from lower self-esteem, low empathy, or a need for control.

In every case, because NPD is a mental health condition, this behavior is linked to the symptoms that define the disorder and not to a personal choice. 

Understanding this may be a first step toward coping with this behavior. In other instances, it might be necessary for you to set clear boundaries or walk away from the relationship.

4 sourcesexpanded

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