
Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Narcissist's Quick Path to Remarriage: Unveiling the Need for Narcissistic Supply


Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for anyone involved. However, when it comes to narcissists, their approach to moving on from a failed marriage can often be bewildering. It's not uncommon for narcissists to remarry quickly after divorcing, leaving many wondering about the underlying reasons behind their haste. In this post, we will delve deeper into the psychology of narcissism and explore the reasons why narcissists often seek new relationships so promptly.

1. The Need for Constant Validation:

Narcissists thrive on admiration and validation from others. Their self-worth is dependent on the attention and praise they receive. When a narcissist's primary source of narcissistic supply, such as a spouse, is no longer available, they feel a desperate need to replace it as soon as possible. Remarrying quickly allows them to secure a new source of validation and maintain their fragile self-esteem.

2. Fear of Loneliness and Abandonment:

Underneath their grandiose exterior, narcissists often have deep-rooted insecurities and fears of being alone. They dread the idea of facing their own emptiness and inadequacy. By rushing into a new relationship, they can avoid confronting their feelings of loneliness and abandonment. Remarrying swiftly provides them with a temporary sense of security and fills the void left by the previous relationship.

3. Maintaining Control and Power:

Narcissists have an innate desire for control and power over others. By entering into a new marriage promptly after a divorce, they can assert their dominance and manipulate their new partner to meet their needs. This allows them to recreate a familiar dynamic of control and ensure they remain the center of attention in the relationship.

4. Avoiding Self-Reflection and Accountability:

Self-reflection and taking responsibility for their actions are challenging tasks for narcissists. Rather than introspecting and learning from past mistakes, they prefer to quickly move on to a new relationship. By doing so, they can avoid facing the consequences of their behavior and continue to project their faults onto others.


The quick remarriage of narcissists following a divorce is a reflection of their deep-seated psychological needs. It is essential to understand that their rapid pursuit of new relationships is driven by their insatiable hunger for validation, fear of loneliness, desire for control, and aversion to self-reflection. Recognizing these patterns can help individuals who have been involved with narcissists in the past to heal and move forward. It is crucial to prioritize self-care and seek support from professionals who can assist in navigating the aftermath of a relationship with a narcissist.

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